**Procedure - Traditional Window Cleaning**
  1. Inspect glass for defects and take screen out
  2. Wet glass with mop from top to bottom
  3. Scrub glass with scrub pad or razor or both depending on glass contaminants
  4. Wipe the edge of the glass from top to bottom
  5. Squeegee from top right or left corner of glass using fanning technique
  6. Wipe drips from glass and frames (if inside wipe all drips from cleaning)

                                                      **Procedure - Screen Cleaning**
  1. Inspect screens for defects - if bent, torn, etc, let Lead Technician know
  2. Place screen tool in lower corner
  3. Press the screen frame on the side of springs with your hand gently
  4. Pull screen out with screen tool
  5. Set the screen down to clean in an organized manner to keep screens in order of windows on each side of the house
  6. Clean screens with deck brush, or mop & towel, or screen cleaner